Saturday was pets day, and I jumped out of bed got changed got Jack’s brush went outside to Jack’s hut to wake him up and then I started to make him as white as I could.
Afterwards Rhys and Dad came outside and helped me put Jack on the back of the truck. And of we went.
I got to stand on the back of the truck with Jack and Strawberry. When we got there we got strawberry and Jack off the truck. We tied the pets up to a peg by all the other pets. I went around looking at other pets. Then the judge called to start the leading. Shane was up first then Kelly then me, Jack hadn’t been doing well at leading at home but he did all right on pets day. Once the lambs were finished leading it was time for calling, but Jack didn’t go very well at that, he seemed to be more interested in a peace of grass.
Then it was the calves turn for leading. Rhys led Strawberry around the square, he did well. Then it was time for the rearing contest and Rhys won that. Straight away the goats were going around the ring. Koren with Milkyway and Kristal with Billy. After the events were finished and we had lunch and competed for prizes in the gala games. I won the basketball shot and gumboot throw. Then we went over to the hall for the Pavlova competition. All the kids were there examining the pavs, then the voting started. Most of the adults liked my Dads pav.
The votes won my dad the Plonket Shield which a toilet seat! Then we packed up and went home.
By Justin Bishop.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
One of my best friends came around to my place
In the holidays Angus came around to my place .First we tryed to move the pet sheep but that didn't work out as we planed because thay got though an open gate. then we went down to the pond. And it didn't work out very well. Angus said he wanted to go on our small island. I said not to because it is a sinking island and he got a full gumboot so he had to use one of my old gumboots for the rest of the day while he was waiting for his own gumboots to dry out.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
World Vision Kids for Kids Concert 2007
On Wednesday we had the kids for kid’s concert, after weeks of practicing the songs at school song after song after song we finely had came to the day that we had too sing with Suzanne prentice and about 300 more kids on the stage getting ready too sing with Suzanne Prentice. There were about 800 people waiting too here all of there children or grandchildren sing on stage, may be even for the first time in there just being on stage and singing. When we had a break we got some lollies too get our saliva going again. Then we back on stage to start singing again. When the concert was finished I had a hell of a laugh with the Jury’s on the way home.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Today we had technology at Makahu school and we made desks for our two computers.
In our group was Connie, Justin, Roma and Maddy. What we had to do was follow the intructions with no words and it was very hard.
Connie read out the numbers on the boards so we know witch ones went where. Since there were two teams we had to have a race and our team finished second but had the best score for building.
Now they are in the classroom with the computers on them.
In our group was Connie, Justin, Roma and Maddy. What we had to do was follow the intructions with no words and it was very hard.
Connie read out the numbers on the boards so we know witch ones went where. Since there were two teams we had to have a race and our team finished second but had the best score for building.
Now they are in the classroom with the computers on them.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Te Wera Camp
The day had come; I mean the day we go to Te Wera. The bus arrived, I was actually late so the bus had to come up the drive way so I wouldn’t be too late to Te Wera, I brought my tamagotchi to play with on the bus. I got heaps of points playing the games that were on it, and so did every body else.
When we got to Te Wera camp we played relays on the play ground, the first thing you had to do in the relay was do the rock climb then slide down the other end on a rope, after that bit of relay we did a thing called a rope bridge, then their were the jungle bars which you had to climb on the bars then the rope climb over to the other side and then last of all we had to the use a rope to help us get up a wall and then slide down the other end.
The whistle blew for us to come inside, inside Carolynne told us the about the activities we were going to do and where they were.
Then we met Mr Archer and he told us how to collect insects out of the river by using a sieve and a scrubbing brush, he told us that you use the scrubbing brush to scrub the edge of the of the grass in the stream and put the sieve in front of the brush so you catch the insects.
Then we went down to the stream and caught heaps of insects and put them into the container on the bank, we had turns at catching the insects in the stream. The people in my team were Kelly, Peter and Shane. We caught all sorts of insects, and then we got the tweezers and got the insects and put them in the bug box.

Then we went back to camp and had a big lunch and get ready to play a game called predator. Miss Hooper and Mr Chapman were handing out the bibs. Huiakama's teacher was telling us how to play. They told us that the prey each had 8 stickers on their bibs and if any predators touched the prey the predators would take one sticker off the preys bib and put it on their bib, but if any of men with gun or men with poison they only had to touch would be dead immediately.
Then we went to do team building when we first saw the events we were all thinking that it was impossible to do but in the end the first event was pretty easy. You just had to get to the middle of a wobbly board. We were all thinking we weren’t going to get pas the second event it was called “The Wall’ you had to lift someone up and they had to get to the top of the wall. It was tricky at the end when there was no-one was at the bottom to lift the person. So we tried to grab onto the person at the bottom when she jumped. The next event in team building was the pole. You had to put a tyre tube over a pole by lifting a person in your team up with the tube. Then you have to get it off again. After that we did the balance beam. Two people had to walk in opposite directions and cross over each.
Next we did archery. It took a while to get used to the handling of the bow and arrow and how to aim the arrow at the target. Eventually I got the target. In the end I got it a couple of times. Kristal got a bulls-eye. Shane and I almost did too.
On Tuesday I got up and had Honey Puffs and Mum got my gear ready. Poor Rhys had to stay home and play Playstation. Then Angus and Callum arrived to pick me up. When we got to Te Wera we played stuck in the mud on the playground. The
Bushman Bob told us to come inside. He talked to us about safety in the bush. You need a survival kit and a first aid kit. Also you need enough food to last. Also he told us you need to have equipment to build a shelter. It doesn’t have to be comfortable. It just has to keep you warm and dry.
Then we had a test to see if your survival tents were strong enough.
When we got to Te Wera camp we played relays on the play ground, the first thing you had to do in the relay was do the rock climb then slide down the other end on a rope, after that bit of relay we did a thing called a rope bridge, then their were the jungle bars which you had to climb on the bars then the rope climb over to the other side and then last of all we had to the use a rope to help us get up a wall and then slide down the other end.
The whistle blew for us to come inside, inside Carolynne told us the about the activities we were going to do and where they were.
Then we met Mr Archer and he told us how to collect insects out of the river by using a sieve and a scrubbing brush, he told us that you use the scrubbing brush to scrub the edge of the of the grass in the stream and put the sieve in front of the brush so you catch the insects.
Then we went down to the stream and caught heaps of insects and put them into the container on the bank, we had turns at catching the insects in the stream. The people in my team were Kelly, Peter and Shane. We caught all sorts of insects, and then we got the tweezers and got the insects and put them in the bug box.

Then we went back to camp and had a big lunch and get ready to play a game called predator. Miss Hooper and Mr Chapman were handing out the bibs. Huiakama's teacher was telling us how to play. They told us that the prey each had 8 stickers on their bibs and if any predators touched the prey the predators would take one sticker off the preys bib and put it on their bib, but if any of men with gun or men with poison they only had to touch would be dead immediately.
Then we went to do team building when we first saw the events we were all thinking that it was impossible to do but in the end the first event was pretty easy. You just had to get to the middle of a wobbly board. We were all thinking we weren’t going to get pas the second event it was called “The Wall’ you had to lift someone up and they had to get to the top of the wall. It was tricky at the end when there was no-one was at the bottom to lift the person. So we tried to grab onto the person at the bottom when she jumped. The next event in team building was the pole. You had to put a tyre tube over a pole by lifting a person in your team up with the tube. Then you have to get it off again. After that we did the balance beam. Two people had to walk in opposite directions and cross over each.

On Tuesday I got up and had Honey Puffs and Mum got my gear ready. Poor Rhys had to stay home and play Playstation. Then Angus and Callum arrived to pick me up. When we got to Te Wera we played stuck in the mud on the playground. The

Then we had a test to see if your survival tents were strong enough.
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