Sunday, August 24, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Kinds of birds from all over the world from A to Z
A) Aberts Towhee
B) Bold Eagle
C) Cactus Wren
D) Dark-eyed Junco
E) Eastern Bluebird
F) Falcated Teal
G) Gadwall
H) Hairy Woodpecker
I) Iceland Gull
J) Jabiru
K) Kingfisher
L) Ladder-backed woodpecker
M) Mallard
N) Northwestern crow
O) Osprey
P) Pacific Loon
Q) Quail
R) Red Knot
S) Sora
T) Tui
U) Upland Sandpiper
V) Veery
W) Western Gall
Y) Yellow-Headed blackbird
Z) Zone-Tailed Hawk
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Eels in my pond
Some nights me and Rhys chop up some meat and go down to our pond and then we through it to the eels in the pond just down below our house we have one eel called Ian and some other eels called Spinner, Mr Brown, Small and Silver. The eel called Ian is the friendliest eel in the pond you can lean down from the bank and stroke him and sometimes you can lift half of his body out of the water and he doesn’t mind. Also Ian is the biggest and the strongest eel in the pond.
One time not that long ago we didn’t have rain for ages and I was starting to think that the pond would dry out and there would be no more eels, and in the end the pond did dry up and I did find some dyed up eel on the dry out mud of the pond and I hoped that Ian was not one of them, I knew that we needed some rain or the pond would turn into grass.
One day there was raining all day so at lunch time I put one my rain coat and I went down to the pond in the rain and I could see that the pond was getting deep with water again. The next day it was sunny and I biked down to the pond and the pond was as deep as it had ever been and that night me and Rhys went down to the pond and we saw about three eels there were Ian, spinner and Small.
One time not that long ago we didn’t have rain for ages and I was starting to think that the pond would dry out and there would be no more eels, and in the end the pond did dry up and I did find some dyed up eel on the dry out mud of the pond and I hoped that Ian was not one of them, I knew that we needed some rain or the pond would turn into grass.
One day there was raining all day so at lunch time I put one my rain coat and I went down to the pond in the rain and I could see that the pond was getting deep with water again. The next day it was sunny and I biked down to the pond and the pond was as deep as it had ever been and that night me and Rhys went down to the pond and we saw about three eels there were Ian, spinner and Small.
Monday, June 09, 2008
When we dissected a sheep
On Friday morning Mr Chapman told us that pat was coming to school, he said that he was going to dissect a sheep to see all of the body parts because we are learning about the muscles of the body, we dissected a sheep because a sheep almost has the same body parts as the human body. After morning tea me went back inside and then pat arrived and we went outside by the offal hole bought a sheep over and Mr Chapman said that we have to wear gloves if we wanted to hold some parts of the sheep. Then pat got his knife and cut the sheep open first he showed us the Stomach and then he cut the ribs off and cut the kidneys out and put them on the ground he also cut out the small intestine and we stretched it out and it was 14 meters long, and Pat said that a humans small intestine is about 30 meters long, then he cut open the rumen and it was full of digested grass and Mr Chapman felt the inside edge of it and he said that it was the weirdest thing that he had ever felt. Then Mr Chapman told us to all put some gloves so that we could hold some of the sheep’s body parts, First pat handed out the liver and we all had a feel of it and it felt really slimy and then we all had another feel of the small intestine then he cut out the bottom of its mouth and then he showed us the wind pipe and how the ear gets to the heart and how the heart pumps the blood around the body. Then he cut out the eye and the lens of the eye came out and we felt it and it felt like hard jelly, After that we went back in school and the sheep went down the offal hole.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
When i went duck shooting
On Sunday I was home and I had nothing to do so I rang Angus to see if he was home but there was no answer so I went outside and I saw the old possum trap and I tried to set it but it was broken s o tried to fix it, but after a while I thought that when rhys got back from getting some firewood so I went inside and I started to play underground Rivals on my PSP and then the Clint and Brent turned up on our drive way I Clint asked if dad was home but he was on the farm getting firewood with Rhys. I went duck shooting with them first we went down to the flat down below our house we saw five ducks but we mist the shot and they got away. Then we went back up to the house ad we got in the Ute and we went down to the start of the drake’s drive way and turned off onto my dads farm and we saw some more ducks on a pond that we went to but we couldn’t shoot at them because there were some of dads cattle that were to close to the pond, we carried on and we came across another pond and we didn’t see any ducks there but then one came out of the bushes and then it flew away. After that we drove up to dads old woolshed up the end of Taihore road and we walked down the clay farm track and when we were walking we saw some ducks on the hill side and they started to fly away but Clint shot two of them in four shots, one of the ducks was on the ground trying to get away but I went and got it and Brent span it’s neck around and around and then it’s head came off. Then we put the ducks on the ducks on the front of the motorbike and we went down the clay track some more and we got to the end of the track to a big pond but there were no ducks there either. We went back to the woolshed and we went up another track to see if we could see any turkeys but there weren’t any on that field then we drove back down to the truck and we went down the road and Clint dropped me off at my house and they went home.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Caterina's Birthday Party
On the bus one morning I got an invitation to Caterina’s 8th Birthday party on the 11th of may so the next Sunday I went down to the Poletti’s house and ngus was there and we were just hanging around and then we went over to go and see there Ginny pig called Muffin and then we played some games started and we did a treasure hunt and at the end we all got a chocolate bar we played backwards o and xs and my team won that game then there was sack races and Angus won those and then there were some relays and my team won again and the last game that we played was the chocolate eating contest were you had to roll a six and then you dress up and eat as many bits of chocolate as you can until another person in your team rolls a six and then we went home.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
In the two week holidays
In the two week holidays I rang up Angus and we talked for a while and then Angus invited me to his house to stay for three day so I went to mum and asked her if I could go to Angus’ house and she said I could so I packed my stuff and dad took me down to Angus’ house in the truck. When I got to Angus’ house we went on the computer and played runescape and I got up a new level in attack after we had played the girls went outside to play on the trampoline and me and Angus went on the play station and we played Warzone we played that four about an hour. After a while Koren asked Chris if Connie and Nina could come for a knight and he said yes so when the Polettis arrived me and Angus were in the hut playing PSP and all of the girls didn’t know where we were and when we wanted to play another one of my PSP games I snuck back two the house and got my other games without the girls noticing me, when I got back . Then we asked Chris if we could put the tent up on the field but Chris said that it would be way to cold at knight. When it got dark we asked Chris if we could go possum shooting that knight but Chris didn’t won to so we just put the radio on and listened to a CD, After we had listened to all of the songs we went to bed. In the morning I woke up and I turned the play station or turned the sound of the play station down because Angus was still asleep. When Angus woke up we played two players on Warzone. We got up and started to play again and I got up another level in attack. After that I went to the radio and listened to the pink CD again for about free hours. Then we got in the car and we went to new Plymouth, then we went to a bakery and they didn’t even sell bread so we had to get some chips, then we went to the beach and me and Angus got out of the car and we went down to the sand we saw some seagulls and we through then a bit of chip and all of them dived on it trying to get at it and then a lot more seagulls came and they started to fly in circles around us we ran back to the car and I groped some chips on the way and they dived on then again and when we got in the car we saw the seagulls fly away and then we went to Marbles and we had tea there we, and I had a hot chocolate and I had a ice cream for dinner when we were travelling home Angus and Clair started to suck the helium in from there balloons and their voice went squawky and it sounded really weird .When we got home It was dark and we went inside and I found three soft balls and I put Chris’s motorbike helmet on and started to hit Angus with them and then I put the motorbike jacket on and Angus tried to hit me but he mist me and then I turned on the radio on again and we listened to that and then we went to bed and we stayed up talking for a long time. In the morning I got up and had some breakfast then a couple of hours later me and Angus went for a walk on the farm, when we got back we got out Angus’ slug gun and we put a empty beer can on the field and we had some shots at it I was the only one to hit the can I hit it twice one on the side. And then dad came and picked me up and I went home.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Term 1 highlights
Term 1 highlights
This year one of the things the we were learnt was to have the ability to right PMI’S, it was a bit challenging but I enjoyed the typing, PMP is having a title such as it’s better if everything was free and you would think of good things about the subject and then think of bad things to Wright.
We also learnt about Geometry about learning measuring Angles, how to use a protractor, Volume, area, and parameter, I liked learning how to measure Angles and everything else but I especially liked learning how to use a protractor.
And we learnt about the body as well we learnt the names of the bones like the Femur, Fibular, Pelvis, Ulna, spinal column, Cranium, Clavicle, Radios, Fibula, Tibia, and Phalanges we learnt about the muscles in the body as well.
Every single year we go to beach ED and we go through the same routine every single year so beach ED is getting quit boring and I don’t enjoy it much as I used to 2 years a go, all we do is go inside listen to the instructors interdiction then they take us for a tour around the surf life saving stuff and tell us the names of the things that they show us then they show us the same video that they show us every year then we play sea weed and then we all go for a free swim in the sea witch is about the only thing that is fun to do.
I reckon that Art is quit fun it’s one of my favourite activity at school Physical Education is my favourite activity I liked doing the portraits of yourselves mine turned out really good we used colure pencil to do the colour of our faces and I used black for my background other people said it rewind my portrait but I liked it and thought that it looked like I wanted it to look like when I was finished and now we have to put all of our pictures on the wall so people that come to our school can see what we have done.
I enjoy athletics a lot so I am in the Eltham athletic club and I go to athletics on Saturday for a Saturday sport in the summer when I went to the athletics at Toko School the first event we did was discuss and I didn’t get anywhere in that event and I didn’t get anywhere in shot put either but then I got 4 first and one third, also at school e do athletics for Physical Education some times.
For reading we do typing practise on tux typing and we have to read a novel for about thirty five minutes and then we write a story for our blogs I enjoy reading I bit as well.
I really enjoy tennis as well last year I asked mum if I could join a tennis team and she said that I could so this year I joined the Douglas tennis team and we were put in the B grade and we beat every team in the B grade by quit a bit accept Kaimata we didn’t beet them by much so us and Kaimata got moved up to the A grade and it is a bigger challenge for us.
This year one of the things the we were learnt was to have the ability to right PMI’S, it was a bit challenging but I enjoyed the typing, PMP is having a title such as it’s better if everything was free and you would think of good things about the subject and then think of bad things to Wright.
We also learnt about Geometry about learning measuring Angles, how to use a protractor, Volume, area, and parameter, I liked learning how to measure Angles and everything else but I especially liked learning how to use a protractor.
And we learnt about the body as well we learnt the names of the bones like the Femur, Fibular, Pelvis, Ulna, spinal column, Cranium, Clavicle, Radios, Fibula, Tibia, and Phalanges we learnt about the muscles in the body as well.
Every single year we go to beach ED and we go through the same routine every single year so beach ED is getting quit boring and I don’t enjoy it much as I used to 2 years a go, all we do is go inside listen to the instructors interdiction then they take us for a tour around the surf life saving stuff and tell us the names of the things that they show us then they show us the same video that they show us every year then we play sea weed and then we all go for a free swim in the sea witch is about the only thing that is fun to do.
I reckon that Art is quit fun it’s one of my favourite activity at school Physical Education is my favourite activity I liked doing the portraits of yourselves mine turned out really good we used colure pencil to do the colour of our faces and I used black for my background other people said it rewind my portrait but I liked it and thought that it looked like I wanted it to look like when I was finished and now we have to put all of our pictures on the wall so people that come to our school can see what we have done.
I enjoy athletics a lot so I am in the Eltham athletic club and I go to athletics on Saturday for a Saturday sport in the summer when I went to the athletics at Toko School the first event we did was discuss and I didn’t get anywhere in that event and I didn’t get anywhere in shot put either but then I got 4 first and one third, also at school e do athletics for Physical Education some times.
For reading we do typing practise on tux typing and we have to read a novel for about thirty five minutes and then we write a story for our blogs I enjoy reading I bit as well.
I really enjoy tennis as well last year I asked mum if I could join a tennis team and she said that I could so this year I joined the Douglas tennis team and we were put in the B grade and we beat every team in the B grade by quit a bit accept Kaimata we didn’t beet them by much so us and Kaimata got moved up to the A grade and it is a bigger challenge for us.
In the big holidays we were going to go to lake Taupo, when we where packing I asked mum if I could bring my PSP and she said I could so I packed my PSP into my bag we loaded every thing into the car and we were on our why to Taupo I had the map and was telling dad what roads to go on. When we were half way there dad stopped and showed us were he went to dog trials once and he showed us were all the events were being held on the day. When we got to Taupo we went and found were we were going to stay soon we were in our motel that we booked for we unpacked everything out of the car put we turned the TV on and watched some tennis.
After the game of tennis was finished me and Rhys went up to were you check in to the motel and we paid twenty dollars to hire the tennis courts down the bottom of the top ten holiday park so the lady gave us the keys to unlock the gate to get into the tennis courts, at first me and Rhys were playing by our selves but then mum and dad came down after about half an hour.
After playing tennis for an hour we went for a drive down to the supermarket and got some food and supplies then we drove past the bungee jumping area and dad said that one day we would go watch some people jump off over the Waikato River. When we got back to our motel I got my PSP out of the car and started to play smash court tennis 3.
The next day I got up and turned the TV on and watched Disney channel. When Rhys woke up I was playing PSP and he asked if he could have a turn on it so I gave it to him, after the battery went flat we put it on the charger and we went to have a look at the people doing the bungee jump over the Waikato river were you pay for a jump there was a video of people doing the bungee jump then we left to go to the sports centre to go in the go for a swim in the heated swimming pool inside it. When we were back at the motel me and Rhys went over to this big trampoline there its like a big rubber shaped pillow that is rubber.
On day 4 we went into town and went to a place called rapids jets, it’s a place were you can get to go in the get boat and you go through heaps of big rapids in the Waikato river, in one part of the ride we went though such a big rapid that we did a big jump when we were going over it was so much fun and at the end we were all soaked and we had to change cloths.
On day 5 we were at a cafĂ© and on our way back to the motel we saw some people parasailing over Lake Taupo we stopped and watched people parasailing for quit a while then mum and dad decided for us to have a go as well so the people in charge of it took us out on the water, me and mum were the first ones to go up first(dad couldn’t go up because it would cost to muck for all of us to go up)it was a big trill when you are up there it feels like you are flying by your self and we took heaps of pictures of us in the ear and we also bought a photo album of us in the ear because the people that were in charge were on the boat taking pictures of us. And then on day 7 we packed everything and went back home.
After the game of tennis was finished me and Rhys went up to were you check in to the motel and we paid twenty dollars to hire the tennis courts down the bottom of the top ten holiday park so the lady gave us the keys to unlock the gate to get into the tennis courts, at first me and Rhys were playing by our selves but then mum and dad came down after about half an hour.
After playing tennis for an hour we went for a drive down to the supermarket and got some food and supplies then we drove past the bungee jumping area and dad said that one day we would go watch some people jump off over the Waikato River. When we got back to our motel I got my PSP out of the car and started to play smash court tennis 3.
The next day I got up and turned the TV on and watched Disney channel. When Rhys woke up I was playing PSP and he asked if he could have a turn on it so I gave it to him, after the battery went flat we put it on the charger and we went to have a look at the people doing the bungee jump over the Waikato river were you pay for a jump there was a video of people doing the bungee jump then we left to go to the sports centre to go in the go for a swim in the heated swimming pool inside it. When we were back at the motel me and Rhys went over to this big trampoline there its like a big rubber shaped pillow that is rubber.
On day 4 we went into town and went to a place called rapids jets, it’s a place were you can get to go in the get boat and you go through heaps of big rapids in the Waikato river, in one part of the ride we went though such a big rapid that we did a big jump when we were going over it was so much fun and at the end we were all soaked and we had to change cloths.
On day 5 we were at a cafĂ© and on our way back to the motel we saw some people parasailing over Lake Taupo we stopped and watched people parasailing for quit a while then mum and dad decided for us to have a go as well so the people in charge of it took us out on the water, me and mum were the first ones to go up first(dad couldn’t go up because it would cost to muck for all of us to go up)it was a big trill when you are up there it feels like you are flying by your self and we took heaps of pictures of us in the ear and we also bought a photo album of us in the ear because the people that were in charge were on the boat taking pictures of us. And then on day 7 we packed everything and went back home.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
I believe living in the country is better for fitness, me, parents and grandparents. And I am going to tell you why and you will agree after you here this.
The country is better for fitness because there are heaps of hills to climb and you have to walk a long way to move stock. Me and Rhys ride our bikes down to the new wool shed a lot because we have a proper table tennis table down there in the shed. Also we go possum trapping in bush that is sometimes 2 or 3 kilometres away from home and we have to bike on the road up hill to go and check our 10 possum traps and we pluck then for possum fur and we sell it when we have 2 or 3 kilograms. And for cross country I just run around the field and up and down the hill a couple of times.
The country is better for me because I can build your own huts on the farm and it’s better because you can have more fun on the farm with your friends because there is more stuff to do. Also instead of swimming in the swimming pool in town we can swim in the river just below our house. You get to have a lot more pets than you do in town because there’s more room for sheep, calves, eels and dogs. I get to have pet eels because we have a pond and a river by my house and some nights I go down to the pond and feed the eels some cold raw meat and one of the eels is so friendly that it comes up to you and you can stroke it with out worrying about him biting you. Sometimes I can lift nearly his whole body out of the water. I have a dog could Pride and she’s a heading dog one day I want her to grow up to be a dog that I will take to the dog trials and beat some other adult contestants.
Our parents sometimes get petrol delivered to them by a big petrol truck, and you can work with heaps of animals as your job. Dad likes it in the country because he gets to work with his dogs. Also we get meat cheaper here than in town at the shops. Mum and Dad like bringing me and Rhys up where there are no gangsters and no bad people. Also they like not having noisy people next door like some people that live in the city. There’s not as much pollution here than there is in town.
Also our grandparents can come out and give their dogs some practise with some sheep on our hills to train their dogs for dog trials. My grandparents like coming to the country because they like the fresh air as well. Granddad Joe likes animals to and so does Granddad Brian. And Granddad Brian and Granddad Joe like helping dad on the farm.
I hope now you understand why it’s better in the country now I have talked to you about, fitness, why it’s better for me, our parents and our grandparents.
The country is better for fitness because there are heaps of hills to climb and you have to walk a long way to move stock. Me and Rhys ride our bikes down to the new wool shed a lot because we have a proper table tennis table down there in the shed. Also we go possum trapping in bush that is sometimes 2 or 3 kilometres away from home and we have to bike on the road up hill to go and check our 10 possum traps and we pluck then for possum fur and we sell it when we have 2 or 3 kilograms. And for cross country I just run around the field and up and down the hill a couple of times.
The country is better for me because I can build your own huts on the farm and it’s better because you can have more fun on the farm with your friends because there is more stuff to do. Also instead of swimming in the swimming pool in town we can swim in the river just below our house. You get to have a lot more pets than you do in town because there’s more room for sheep, calves, eels and dogs. I get to have pet eels because we have a pond and a river by my house and some nights I go down to the pond and feed the eels some cold raw meat and one of the eels is so friendly that it comes up to you and you can stroke it with out worrying about him biting you. Sometimes I can lift nearly his whole body out of the water. I have a dog could Pride and she’s a heading dog one day I want her to grow up to be a dog that I will take to the dog trials and beat some other adult contestants.
Our parents sometimes get petrol delivered to them by a big petrol truck, and you can work with heaps of animals as your job. Dad likes it in the country because he gets to work with his dogs. Also we get meat cheaper here than in town at the shops. Mum and Dad like bringing me and Rhys up where there are no gangsters and no bad people. Also they like not having noisy people next door like some people that live in the city. There’s not as much pollution here than there is in town.
Also our grandparents can come out and give their dogs some practise with some sheep on our hills to train their dogs for dog trials. My grandparents like coming to the country because they like the fresh air as well. Granddad Joe likes animals to and so does Granddad Brian. And Granddad Brian and Granddad Joe like helping dad on the farm.
I hope now you understand why it’s better in the country now I have talked to you about, fitness, why it’s better for me, our parents and our grandparents.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Ten year olds should be allowed to drive
Why 10 year olds should be allowed to drive
Police would have to deal with heaps of car crashes, because a lot of ten year olds would not know how to drive so they will run into each other.
Also parents would have trouble coping with the death of their children.
Hospitals would have to find a lot more doctors and nurses because there would be a lot more patients to deal with.
Car shops would probably run out of cars because heaps of kids would want a car.
Also if I was allowed to drive it would be a high risk of me crashing into something because even if I was a really good driver someone that’s not a good driver could come round the corner and crash into me and cause series injury or death.
Police would have to deal with heaps of car crashes, because a lot of ten year olds would not know how to drive so they will run into each other.
Also parents would have trouble coping with the death of their children.
Hospitals would have to find a lot more doctors and nurses because there would be a lot more patients to deal with.
Car shops would probably run out of cars because heaps of kids would want a car.
Also if I was allowed to drive it would be a high risk of me crashing into something because even if I was a really good driver someone that’s not a good driver could come round the corner and crash into me and cause series injury or death.
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